The Gig Society is the debut book from author Brian Wolatz. It was released on February 4, 2020. The book is non-fiction and focuses on the societal changes brought on by the newest technologies, in a manner that technical and non-technical readers can enjoy.

The Gig Society explores the various ways in which modern technology impacts society. The technology of today — from artificial intelligence to social media to Internet service providers — is creating an economy that funnels power to the ruling class and fosters a culture of division and apathy. It’s up to the people of the United States and our representative government to recognize and fight back against the erosion of our freedom and privacy – through regulation and our own cultural movements alike. The Gig Society goes through a catalog of threats posed by modern technology and presents necessary solutions for them. It’s also a plea for American unity against those threats: if we don’t find it in ourselves and each other to fight back, we will see institutions collapse and our shared values slip away from us for good.

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